In 2010 my husband had 6 vessel bypass surgery. The doctor told me he threw in a few more for good measure. One friend gave us a stack of Vegan books. Overnight we changed everything starting with the pantry to the fridge. This is our journey. I try to make American classics in a plant based way. Some recipes I have invented by converting ingredients to vegan. Other recipes are from those whom I admire. As we evolve we have gotten away from processed products and also become good stewards of our environment. I am thrilled you have decided to give this lifestyle a try, and you are visiting my blog for information. I am not a doctor ( like my husband), a nutritionist, or a dietician. So, what you see or read here on this blog is not intended to replace your personal physician’s advice and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Talk to your doctor or healthcare provider to determine what’s right for you. This blog is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions.We just know it has worked for us. My husband lost 90 lbs., does not have pre diabetes and has gone off pills. He says he feels full after eating for the first time in his life It is all about eating bulk foods that have 2- 400 cal a lb and fiber. Instead of foods that contain 600-4000 calories per lb. like dairy, meat and oil. Thanks for visiting