When I eat spuds with salad, chilei and broccoli on top, I feel like a Im eating so much. But it’s so good for you and full of fiber, protein and minerals. I have vegan friends who eat several potatoes a day. A quick meal if you work all day.

Take out your instant pot. Note: Instant Pot is a pressure cooker for dummies. Just load and push the button. Not your moms old pot. One of my go to appliances.

2c. dried kidney beans

½ large yellow onion diced

3 cloves garlic minced. (smash the clove w/flat side of knife. remove skin and trim ends. chop fine)

1 long stalk celery chopped

5c. water

1 large carrot chopped

1t. salt

2t. chile powder

Close lid on instant Pot. Push beans. It will start on its own. 30 min. Make spud and beans below. By the time you have a glass of wine, read the mail etc. chile will be done.

Add 1  15oz can tomato sauce or 1  15oz can stewed tomatoes

and 2t worteshire. Blend into cooked chile.

Wash and poke with a knife in a few places, a russet potato. I have a baked potato setting on my microwave so hopefully you do.

Steam a few broccoli crowns in a bamboo steamer til knife tender. (steamers are at asian stores)

Serve on salad of choice.