In a Vitamix

Note: We used to drink a smoothie everyday bu now we think if we have rarely, we don't grind all the way so still chunky.

2 big handfuls of kale or spinach (if spinach always add citrus like the orange as spinach needs it for absortion)

2 springs parsley,

½" piece of fresh ginger

1 orange peeled with some white in tact,

1 carrot, wash leave peel on

1/2″ piece tumeric. I never buy dry tumeric. buy in bulk. do not peel. wash and cut into 1/2″ pieces and keep in freezer bag with slices of ginger also.

1 brown banana. (I keep bananas that have gone too brown peeled and in freezer for later use),

Any fruit you like.

1 celery stalk.

Fill vitamix to 2" from top with water. Not too full as when you take off lid could overflow. Blend on high or smoothie setting if your vitamix has. We actually like it somewhat chunky but as you like it. Optional: beets and greens, cucumber etc. I pretty much use whatever I have. It keeps the veggie drawer up to date. (not onions though!)

I buy my ginger and tumeric, cut into ¼ inch coin shapes and put in freezer bag for daily use. I have washed good so I leave skin on.