I always try to use all my vegetables either in a drink, soup or a stir fry. Today I needed to use these vegetables so made a noodle dish.

I actually decided not to use the cabbage because I will cook up with spuds and add some tofurky sausage.

Saute in 1c vegetable broth for 10min.

½ onion

1 clove garlic minced

1 thai green chile minced

Chop 4 mushrooms,

½ of red pepper

1 zucchini

Add to onion, garlic and chile and continue to cook 10 min.

Grate 2t fresh ginger into vegetables

Add 1T miso paste or 1T soy sauce to taste.

and 2t. sesame oil

optional could be 1T tahini

Cook one bundle of soba noodles til just tender. drain and rinse with cold water.

Mix noodles and vegetables with one bunch of chopped green onions.

Serve with cut up smoked tofu.