2 small zucchini diced

1 med yellow onion diced

1c. mashed kidney or black beans

1/4c. cooked bulgur (1/4c.dry in 1c. water. bring to boil. lid on cook til just done but not too dry. takes minutes.

1t. minced garlic

1/4c. raisins

1t. chile powder

1/2t ground cumin

3 mushrooms diced

1 cob of corn raw shucked

1/4c. chopped nuts

3-4oz med firm tofu.

1/4c. chopped parsley

1/2c. salsa or chile sauce or chutney. Depends on how you want to go. Mexican flavor, Italian, Indian. We’re all the same just have a little different spice in us. Mix all together. Set aside stuffing mixture.

Steam deseeded peppers in bamboo steamer (top won ’t fit on so just lay on peppers) til just able to pierce knife in but not too cooked because you are going to bake them. Cuts down on baking time as ingredients don’t need too long.

Fill peppers, put tops back on, squeeze catsup on top but not parsley. That is for serving presentation. Bake 350 for 45 min. covered with foil until last 10min. Make sure fork tender. Serve with a salad and mashed sweet potatoes. So good to take a bite of pepper and potato together.