I adapted this from the Moosewood Restaurant Low Fat Fovorites

Make cornmeal topping and set aside to let vinegar sour the soy beverage

In a med bowl mix:

1c stone ground cornmeal (buy in bulk section)

2 TBS flour. (note: My flour bin has a combo of whole wheat, rye, spelt,soy etc. Whatever I feel like mixing when in bulk section. No unbleached white is used.

2 tsp baking powder

1tsp baking soda

1 tsp red chili pepper

2 TBS egg replacer mixed with 8 TBS water

1c soymilk mixed with 2 tsp cider vinegar

The recipe in picture I followed the recipe for topping but we decided to double because the filling is plentiful.

Now make filling:

3/4c water

1 cup chopped red onion

3 cloves minced garlic

1 TBS ground cumin

2 tsp ground coriander

1 TBS oregano

1 c chopped carrots

Saute (in the water, not oil) above in large skillet til carrots just tender.


1 med sized chopped zucchini

1c chopped green pepper

1 can 15oz drained black beans (I usually make my black beans in instant pot but I wanted to simplify for a fast meal)

1 can 15oz crushed tomatoes

1/2c. red salsa of choice because, some like it hot. I use my friends homemade and then serve as a side.

Heat through like 10 min

Pour into baking dish. Oval in picture is a 8 ½ x 12

Spread cornmeal topping over filling.

Bake 350 for 30 min or until cornmeal golden.

Serve with garbanzo beans (we keep a batch we make in instant pot on hand),guacamole, salad or coleslaw (in my recipe section) and salsa. My husband made a raw mushroom salad to go with. We like to load any dish with sides to add protein and fiber. Can also add a sprinkling of nutritional yeast.

Mushroom Salad

2 c. thinly sliced mushrooms, 1 tsp lemon juice and 2 TBS chopped parsley to taste. Mix all and let sit while casserole baking. The lemon juice will soften the mushrooms.

Note: use a mandoline or slicing attachment on food processor for mushrooms.